Bridging contraception service


Pharmacies can now offer an initial supply of the contraceptive pill.

How Does It Work?

Pharmacies can now offer bridging contraception. This is a temporary supply of the progestogen-only pill.

What Does Bridging Contraception Mean?

Bridging contraception provides the contraceptive pill on a short-term basis. It serves as a bridge between emergency contraception and a longer-term method, offering an effective way of helping to reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy.

This service is designed to make contraception more accessible, while all other contraceptive services remain available through your GP or your local sexual health clinic. Bridging contraception is available to individuals aged 13 to 55, with the pharmacist assessing your suitability by asking a few questions.

After Bridging Contraception

If you wish to carry on using the contraceptive pill beyond the initial three months or you would like to discuss other options, please contact your GP practice or sexual health clinic.

Service Details

Price: Free of charge

Frequency: On request

Availability: This service is available at the following pharmacies

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