What is the Mole Scanning Service?
If you’re concerned about any moles or pigmented lesions on your body, our Mole Scanning Service lets us assess you for anything of concern.
Though we aren’t able to diagnose diseases like skin cancer within our pharmacies, our dermatology specialists can identify potential concerns and recommend further checks if necessary.
Our Amiry & Gilbride pharmacy teams are specially trained to deliver this service, ensuring you’re given all the right help and advice.
Who is the mole scanning service suitable for?
Our Amiry & Gilbride mole scanning service is for both adults and children over the age of two, although anyone below the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in order to provide consent for the service.
Please note, we are unable to scan moles or pigmented lesions:
in an intimate area (such as the genitals or breast areas under a bra); on eyelids or ear tips; under a large amount of hair; that are on tattoos; or that are open, wet or bleeding.
If you still have concerns about your moles or pigmented lesions in any of these instances, we recommend contacting your GP.
How does the mole scanning service work?
Our mole scanning service is split into two key stages. Stage 1 begins in one of the private consultation rooms we have on site, with a short questionnaire that helps us assess your risk of skin cancer, followed by a consent form before we proceed to the scan.
We then ask you to identify any moles or lesions you want scanned. Our teams are unable to advise you on this, so ensure you’re happy to scan anything of concern in advance. Once identified, we use a dermatoscopic imagining device to scan the specified moles or lesions.
These scans and any information provided are then sent away for analysis by our dermatology specialist. The entire process is non-invasive and shouldn’t last much longer than twenty minutes.
Stage 2 is the analysis stage. Our dermatology specialist will look over the scans we’ve sent, searching for indications of malignant melanoma. A report is sent back within a week, and if it finds that you may be at risk, a dermatology nurse will contact you regarding your next steps.
Remember: just because a scan comes back normal doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to remain that way, which is why we recommend the ABCDE rule for self-checking.
What is the ABCDE rule?
The ABCDE rule allows you to assess your risk-level at home, by checking for symptoms in the abbreviation: asymmetry, borders, colour, diameter, and evolution.
Asymmetry is a common characteristic of melanoma lesions, whilst the opposite is true of benign moles. As for borders, melanoma often presents itself in an uneven, irregular pattern, whereas benign moles are smooth and even around the edges. Semi-circular or v-shaped sections of a mole are usually indicative of melanomas.
For melanoma moles and lesions, the colour falls on a spectrum ranging from reds to whites and even to blues, and can appear as a variety of colours simultaneously. Benign moles, on the other hand, are typically a single shade of brown.
Melanomas often have larger diameters than their benign counterparts, with anything exceeding 6mm potentially indicating their presence. Finally, any change in size, colour, or shape, or any itching, bleeding, or crusting, are worth getting checked by our pharmacists or your GP.
Benefits of the service?
Our service ensures a speedy response, guaranteeing your results get back to you within the space of a week.
For your first mole/lesion, the cost is £35, whilst every subsequent mole/lesion scanned within the same consultation is lowered to £15. Though we are here to help, if you think you need more than four moles scanning, we’d advise contacting your GP.
What can I do to reduce my risk of skin cancer?
The following advice can help lower your skin cancer risks:
Avoiding direct sunlight and applying appropriate sunscreen are your best bets for mitigating skin cancer risks.
You need to be most careful between 11am and 3pm, when the sun is at its highest and most intense,
Use sunscreen that provides appropriate protection (at least SPF30). Follow the instructions on the pack, and ensure you reapply frequently.Ideally, you’ll want a product that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, of which our pharmacy has plenty of options. Our pharmacists will also be more than happy to advise you on the right choice.
Just like the sun, sunbeds can be highly dangerous, especially with the potentially unseen harm they could be causing – consider moles you may not be aware of on your back, for example.
Stay vigilant, checking your skin every few months and noting any concerning changes you may find.
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