PocDoc Heart Health Check

Are you concerned about having high cholesterol?

Cardiovascular disease is the single biggest killer globally, with 32% of all deaths every year attributed to this preventable disease. The key blood test to assess your cardiovascular risk is a 5 marker lipid panel, which is which what the PocDoc Lipid Test provides.

The PocDoc Lipid test is a quantitative lateral flow test that tests for the following biomarkers via the PocDoc app, alongside providing a cardiovascular health questionnaire:

  • High density lipoprotein (HDL)
  • Non-HDL
  • Triglycerides
  • Total cholesterol
  • Total cholesterol : HDL ration

Optimise your health with us

Take control of your health in a positive way. Understand whether your lipid profile may be impacting your health and what you can do to help yourself.

Using a quick and easy pharmacy-to-laboratory finger-prick blood test. Get your results while at our pharmacy.

How PocDOC Lipid Testing works

  1. Book your appointment at your local Amiry & Gilbride Pharmacy & Travel Clinic.
  2. During your appointment our highly trained team will help with the following.
  3. Completing a health questionnaire on the PocDoc App.
  4. Taking a finger prick blood sample and completing the PocDoc lateral flow test.
  5. Letting the test develop for seven minutes – a colour change will be visible in the test sites.
  6. Taking a photo of your test using a tablet or phone and the PocDoc app – the app then will analyse the colour change and convert it into your actual result for each marker.
  7. Receiving results immediately via the app alongside a personalised health assessment.
  8. Discuss your results and any actions you might wish to take to support your health.

Do in 7 minutes what takes days or even weeks with lab testing!


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