Pneumonia vaccination

In an effort to improve our customer experience, our Amiry & Gilbride Pharmacy pneumonia vaccination service now offers additional protection against 20 strains of streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.

Put simply, our one-off vaccine provides greater and longer-lasting pneumonia protection than ever before, without the need for additional booster doses.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is often associated with common colds – both are respiratory infections, both happen in colder periods, and both spread through coughs and sneezes. But pneumonia is far more serious, and can be deadly in some cases. Approximately 5 to 11 UK adults out of every 1,000 get pneumonia each year.

Who is this service for?

Anyone over 18 can use our pneumonia vaccination service. Although it can affect people of any age, it is far more common and dangerous for elderly people, smokers, and people with other health conditions, such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, or heart, liver, and kidney troubles.

People with weakened immune systems are also highly susceptible to pneumonia, as well as travellers to areas where pneumococcal infections are more common, such as some African or South East Asian nations.

Who is it not suitable for?

This service is not suitable for anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding, anyone undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or anyone with a track record of allergic reactions to vaccines or injections.

This doesn’t cover everyone that is exempt, but we will determine your suitability beforehand through a quick consultation, covering medical history, allergies, and more.

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