Metoclopramide Hydrochloride is used to treat the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

It has many clinical uses, and is commonly prescribed after radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or post-operatively. It can also be used in the treatment of migraines, reflux, or as part of palliative care.

This medication has antiemetic (anti sickness) and gastroprokinetic properties. It is a dopamine antagonist which works by reacting with receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone. This results in an increase in movements within the stomach and the intestines.

This medication is taken orally, with each pill containing 10mg of active ingredient.

It is usually taken for a period of 4 – 12 weeks, but it should not be continued long term due to the risk of serious side effects. These include permanent effects on movement control/ability.

Click here to read the patient information leaflet:

Side effects of Metoclopramide may include:

. Fatigue

. Insomnia

. Changes in libido or sexual performance

. Swelling of the breasts

. Changes in urination

If you experience vomiting whilst taking Metoclopramide, tell your doctor immediately.

You should consult with your doctor straight away if you experience any of the above symptoms and side effects whilst taking this medication. For side effects such as stiff muscles, visual disturbances, difficulty speaking, muscle spasms, fever or shaking, you should visit your local A&E department urgently.

Patients taking this medication have an increased risk of developing Tardive Dyskinesia, especially if they have used the medication for prolonged periods. This condition affects the body by triggering uncontrolled muscle movements, which may continue even after treatment has ceased. Seek medical attention immediately if you feel that your movement has been affected, and do not take this medication for longer than advised.

You should not drink alcohol whilst taking this medication.

Allergic reactions

Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include:

. Hives

. Skin rashes

. Swelling of the face/limbs

. Difficulty breathing

. Difficulty swallowing

Seek emergency medical attention if you experience any of these signs of an allergic reaction whilst taking this medication.

This medication is not safe or suitable for all patients. It is crucial that you discuss with a doctor in depth, and always disclose the following:

. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

. Known allergies

. Pre-existing illnesses and health conditions

. The usage of all other medication, both prescription and non-prescription

. The use of any supplements, vitamins, or herbal remedies, of any variety


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