Find out whether your levels of the stress hormone cortisol are impacting your life, immunity, health and well-being.

Our qualified team will perform this simple finger-prick blood test at your local pharmacy. You’ll receive the results from our laboratory within 5 days.

Knowing about your health is empowering. With our team, you’re in safe hands.

Test your early morning levels of cortisol, the stress hormone

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Customers must be 18+ to take the cortisol test. It is not available if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.


Most people know that cortisol is the body’s primary stress hormone. It’s released when we experience fear, anxiety, or other stressful events. Cortisol is an essential stress hormone that can help the body control blood pressure, regulate inflammation, metabolise glucose and respond to danger. Unfortunately, it can also contribute to skin conditions, weight gain and other adverse symptoms.

Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands in the upper abdomen, which are regulated by the pituitary glands at the base of the brain. Once released into the bloodstream, cortisol affects the pancreas, liver, muscle tissues, and insulin production. It’s essential to the fight-or-flight mechanism but can also be released in less dangerous situations.

There’s been a focus on high cortisol levels in recent years, but low cortisol levels can also be problematic. The right balance of stress hormones is essential for optimal health. A straightforward blood test can let you know what your levels are and what action, if any, you need to take. 


Cortisol imbalance has several causes. Prolonged, chronic stress is one. Traumatic events, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), can cause elevated cortisol levels. However, whatever the traumatic experience, the primary cause of a cortisol imbalance is likely to be stress.

We all encounter stressful events from time to time, yet some individuals experience stress more intensely or frequently than others. However you process stress signals from trauma, tension, distress or pressure, you can reach the tipping point where stress manifests as a cortisol imbalance issue.

Cortisol imbalance can also result from low levels of the stress hormone, which is related to adrenal health issues. Hypocortisolism, or chronically low cortisol levels, is often associated with adrenal insufficiency, which can have varying degrees of severity. 

Addison’s Disease, or hypoadrenalism, is an autoimmune response caused by the immune system attacking the adrenal glands. As a result, the body’s ability to create cortisol is impaired, resulting in symptoms like fatigue and unintentional weight loss. Stress burnout can also cause adrenal insufficiency and should be checked by testing.


A stress (cortisol) test is essential to gauge your adrenocortical function. If you’re susceptible to stress, your cortisol levels can have various health implications.

Determining abnormal cortisol levels can help diagnose conditions like Addison’s disease, Cushing’s Syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia, hypopituitarism and carcinoma.

Stress (cortisol) test results can vary depending on the test itself, the individual and the time the test is taken. For instance, cortisol is at its lowest near midnight and its highest early in the morning. Therefore, it’s generally recommended to test cortisol in the morning. 


The first step to making positive changes is to be aware of your cortisol level and track it over time.

A simple test can help you take control and make changes for the better.

The stress (cortisol) test is a quick and straightforward finger-prick test. You’ll receive your results within 5 days with advice on what they mean and whether you should make lifestyle changes or visit your GP. Lifestyle guidance is also provided.


Your cortisol levels could be impacting your health. Our simple test will put you in control and help you manage and reduce your stress.

A low level of stress is often seen as a good thing, helping you cope with day-to-day life. However, if stress levels start to rise, you may need help to manage them. Stress can impact your day-to-day life in multiple ways, so knowing your cortisol levels can help you minimise the impact on your health.

The stress (cortisol) test can detect and monitor your stress hormone levels. It can tell if stress is impacting your quality of life and whether you need to visit your GP or make lifestyle changes.

Don’t worry about your health. Take control of it instead and improve your life with cortisol testing.

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