Prepare for your journey with help from AMIRY & GILBRIDE Pharmacy.


Our travel clinics in Greater Glasgow & Clyde provide a comprehensive array of travel-related services, including vaccinations, medications, and expert advice. Explore the services below to learn more, find your closest Amiry & Gilbride Pharmacy, and schedule an appointment.

Tailored to your needs

Personalised guidance based on your travel destination.

Last-minute plans

We can assist even if you’re planning your trip at the eleventh hour.

Convenience for you

No need to book an appointment.


A complete selection of travel vaccinations, including those for Chickenpox and Meningitis B.

Malaria prevention

Same-day dispensing of anti-malaria medications.

Vaccine planning

Ensure you’re fully vaccinated before travelling abroad.

Register for a comprehensive travel consultation

Click the button below to sign up and complete a detailed travel consultation online in just minutes. Following your consultation, we’ll recommend the appropriate vaccines or anti-malarial medication. Once your consultation is finalised, you’ll receive an email from us with a service code. Bring this code to the pharmacy to receive your medication or vaccination.

Travel Vaccine Planning

Ensure you have the necessary vaccinations before travelling abroad:

Choose The Right Travel Vaccinations For Your Destination

Check which vaccinations you require based on your destination:

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